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 Σελίδα 1 από 2: > >>

The Role of Emotional Processes in Web-based Learning and Decision-support Environments

2008Conference Paper
Z. Lekkas, N. Tsianos, P. Germanakos, & C. Mourlas
Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Cognitive Psychology – ΕΛΨΕ: Cognitive Psychology: From Laboratory to the Society, Thessaloniki, Hellas, 6-9 November 2008

Cognitive Styles and Visual Working Memory Span as Personalization Parameters in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems

2008Conference Paper
N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, P. Germanakos, & C. Mourlas
Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Cognitive Psychology – ΕΛΨΕ: Cognitive Psychology: From Laboratory to the Society, Thessaloniki, Hellas, 6-9 November 2008

Adaptive Presentation and Scheduling of Media Streams on Parallel Storage Servers

2008Book Chapter
C. Mourlas
A chapter in: Intelligent User Interfaces: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies. C. Mourlas, & P. Germanakos (Eds.), IGI Global, Hershey, USA, 2008, pp: 233 - 245


Intelligent User Interfaces: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies

C. Mourlas & P. Germanakos (editors)
Information Science Reference (ISR), IGI Global's most prestigious imprints, ISBN: 978-1-60566-032-5, IGI Global, release date: September 15, 2008


User-centered Profiling on the basis of Cognitive and Emotional Characteristics: An Empirical Study

2008Conference Paper

N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, P. Germanakos, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based Systems (AH 2008), Hannover, Germany, July 28 - August 1, 2008, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNCS 5149, pp. 214-223

27% acceptance – Best Student Paper Award


Towards an Adaptive and Personalized Web Interaction using Human Factors

2008Book Chapter
P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, M. Belk, & G. Samaras
Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, Vol.2. M. Angelides (Ed.), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

A chapter to appear in: Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, Vol.2. M. Angelides (Ed.), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Towards a Human Factors Ontology for Computer-Mediated Systems

2008Conference Paper
P. Germanakos, M. Belk, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Ontology Content and Evaluation in Enterprise (OnToContent 2008), Monterrey, Mexico, November 9-14, 2008, LNCS 5333, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 595-604
Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF Towards a Human Factors Ontology for Computer-Mediated Systems
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 13:40 - Μέγεθος: 235.95 KB


Realizing Comprehensive User Profile as the Core Element of Adaptive and Personalized Communication Environments and Systems

2008Journal Paper

P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras

The Computer Journal , Special Issue on Profiling Expertise and Behaviour, Oxford University Press


The Role of Human Factors in Web Personalization Environments

2008Book Chapter
P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology , 2nd edition, IGI Global
Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF The Role of Human Factors in Web Personalization Environments
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 13:42 - Μέγεθος: 295.24 KB


An Assessment of Human Factors in Adaptive Hypermedia Environments

2008Book Chapter

N. Tsianos, P. Germanakos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras

A chapter in: Intelligent User Interfaces: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies. C. Mourlas, & P. Germanakos (Eds.), IGI Global, Hershey, USA, 2008, pp: 1-34

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Ελληνικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF An Assessment of Human Factors in Adaptive Hypermedia Environments
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 13:43 - Μέγεθος: 1.82 MB


The Role of Emotions in the Design of Personalized Educational Systems

2008Conference Paper
Z. Lekkas, N. Tsianos, P. Germanakos, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008), Santader, Cantabria, Spain, July 1-5, 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 886-890

29.65% acceptance
Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF The Role of Emotions in the Design of Personalized Educational Systems
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 13:45 - Μέγεθος: 226.03 KB


Integrating Human Factors in the Web Personalization Process: The AdaptiveWeb System

2008Conference Paper

P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, M. Belk, & G. Samaras

Demonstration in the Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008), Patras, Greece, July 21-25, 2008, IOS Press, ISBN: 978-960-6843-17-4, pp. 9-10

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF Integrating Human Factors in the Web Personalization Process: The AdaptiveWeb System
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 13:46 - Μέγεθος: 296.04 KB


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