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An Experimental Assessment of the Use of Cognitive and Affective Factors in Adaptive Educational Hypermedia

2009Journal Paper
N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, P. Germanakos, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT), IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 249-258, July-Sept. 2009, doi:10.1109/TLT.2009.29


Motivational aspects of gaming for students with intellectual disabilities

2011Journal Paper

Saridaki, M., & Mourlas, C.

International Journal of Games Based Learning, IGI Global, Volume 1(4), pp. 48-58


A Real Time Attachment Free, Stress and Heart Rate Measurement System

2011Journal Paper
A. Psaltis, C. Mourlas
International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE), Volume 1(2), pp. 1-13


An Object-Oriented Model for Interactive Multimedia Presentations

1993Journal Paper

M. Vazirgiannis and C. Mourlas

The Computer Journal, Special Issue on Multimedia, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 76--86, 1993

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Ελληνικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF An Object-Oriented Model for Interactive Multimedia Presentations
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 12:44 - Μέγεθος: 386.25 KB


Improving mCommerce Services Effectiveness with the use of User-Centric Content Delivery

2007Journal Paper

P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras

eCommerce in Organizations Journal, Special Issue on Mobile and Context Aware eCommerce, Jan-Mar 2007, Vol. 6(1): 1-18

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF Improving mCommerce Services Effectiveness with the use of User-Centric Content Delivery
Ενημέρωση: 13-11-2024 12:56 - Μέγεθος: 775.09 KB


ACLP: Abductive Constraint Logic Programming

2000Journal Paper
A.C. Kakas and A. Michael and C. Mourlas
Journal of Logic Programming, Special Issue on Abductive Logic Programming, Vol. 44, No. 1-3, pp. 129--177, July/August 2000


Capturing Essential Intrinsic User Behaviour Values for the Design of Comprehensive Web-based Personalized Environments

2007Journal Paper

P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras

Computers in Human Behavior Journal, Special Issue on Integration of Human Factors in Networked Computing


The Internet as an Intelligent Communication Medium

2007Journal Paper

C. Mourlas, N. Tsianos, P. Germanakos, & Z. Lekkas

Communication Issues - Journal, 5th Issue, A publication of the University Research Institute of Applied Communication, Faculty of Communication & Media Studies, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens


Realizing Comprehensive User Profile as the Core Element of Adaptive and Personalized Communication Environments and Systems

2008Journal Paper

P. Germanakos, N. Tsianos, Z. Lekkas, C. Mourlas, & G. Samaras

The Computer Journal , Special Issue on Profiling Expertise and Behaviour, Oxford University Press
